March 9, 2022
We offer 42 awg and 43 awg polyurethane enameled wire is great for making modern guitar pickups.
Within the world of guitar making and pickup making there is great value placed on emulating the characteristics of vintage products.
We offer Plain Enamel and Heavy Formvar insulation for “Vintage correct” style.
For heavy formvar wire, th insulation is important, it should make the overall wire diameter thicker despite the copper wire within being 0.063mm or 0.056mm.This makes the wires when wound on the coil sit slightly further apart and this affects capacitance and therefore tone, there should be less treble frequency loss with Heavy Formvar wire.
If you combine this with hand winding, scatter winding” which is random compared to “machine winding” (which is usually regular and tight) tone is much improved.
Customers pay a lot for hand-wound pickups, so we provide quality wire!